Grabfood cyclist cross pedestrian crossing while the traffic light is red and get into an altercation with car driver

11/29/2020, Singapore: A Grabfood cyclist was caught on dashcam crossing a pedestrian traffic junction while the traffic crossing light is red.

In the dashcam footage, as the pedestrian crossing light turns red for the traffic junction, cars were lining up to turn left onto the road, however, a Grabfood cyclist was spotted trying to cross the pedestrian crossing just as it turns red and almost got into an accident with the black car that was just turning in.

Thankfully, the black car driver was alert and managed to brake in time to prevent an accident. However, the driver seems to had horned at the delivery rider and the rider does not seem pleased.

This lead to the rider getting into an altercation with the black car driver, with lots of finger-pointing and gesturing. However, as the traffic was piling up behind, the black car driver and the delivery rider moved off.

In Singapore, jaywalking is an offence. A fine of $50 is payable for the first offence. Repeat offenders can be charged $1000 and a jail term of 3 months. In 2020, Traffic police detected about 2,500 Jaywalking violation.

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