2nd Serious Accident within 1 month at Junction of International Road & First Lok Yang Road

Singapore: On 6 Jan 2021 photos of an accident between a motorcycle and car was send in by our reader.

Man seen being carried in a stretcher

Click below link to see the mentioned Facebook post. https://www.facebook.com/SingaporeRoadAccident/posts/3618525248235065

The accident happened around 7:15PM at the junction of International Road and First Lok Yang Road.

Members of the public seen helping the injured rider

The food panda rider was riding along the main road of International Road when the black car coming out from side road at Kian Teck Avenue bang into him.

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Just moment before the accident, another motorcycle rider was seen almost being bang by a right turning Lorry from the main road.

It was reported a while back that accident happens frequently at this junction which could be caused by the following factors:

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Previous article on the same junction
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