What we know so far – Bentley driver threatening to run down security officer at Red Swastika School

Singapore, 12/1/2022: The Bentley driver in question had been arrested by the Singapore Police Force for a rash act causing hurt.

In the online circulated video, a Bentley driver was captured on camera in a confrontation with a school security guard from Red Swastika School. As the argument get heated up, the Bentley driver then attempted to force his way past the security guard. Inching the car closer to the security guard to a point that to almost running him down.

A school staff that was nearby the security guard went to his aide to stop the car. However, it was reported that after much argument, the school staff relent and asked the security guard to let the Bentley driver into the school.

The incident was widely circulated online and sparked an outcry on the behaviour of the Bentley driver.

In another video, the driver was captured on camera arguing with the security guard saying that this was his first time entering the school, the queue was too long for him, and asked the security guard to make an exception.

An additional video shows that many cars were queuing up to turn into the school. The Bentley car was stopped at the school exit, instead of the entrance. On close inspection, the Bentley car might be trying to cut the queue and turn into the school using the exit point instead.

In the aftermath of the incident, Minister Chan Chun Shing, give his take on the incident.

This is unacceptable behaviour. This is not the way we should behave towards our security and school personnel who are performing their duties to keep our schools and our children safe.


Representatives from the Union of Security Employees (USE) visited the security guard and reported that he was well and recovering at home.

We have visited Brother Ah Whatt with some relief vouchers and nourishment. He is well and recovering at home. Thanks to everyone who have expressed concern.


Mothership ran a check on the Bentley car plate number from the video at onemotoring and there was no record found.

His car plate number, seen in other screen captures of the incident, is not found on the OneMotoring website.

Timeline of events

Bentley Videos Uploaded Online

Netizens Outrage

Ministers Speak Out

USE speakout + visiting of Security Guard

Bentley Driver Arrested

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