Accident prone Junction at intersection of International Road & First Lok Yang Road

Singapore: On 10 Dec 2020 at around 7PM, a person who seems to be the rider of a parked motorcycle was seen sitting on the curb along International Road at junction between First Lok Yang Road. An ambulance was at the scene and paramedics are attending to him.

Accident at junction of international road and first lok yang road
Motorcyclist injured at junction

This remind me of an accident that happen earlier this year on 31 Jan 2020 at around 9:56AM.
UPDATE: Another serious accident has happened within 1 month
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<Video removed by request>

SBS bus was going straight along International Road when a black car come into its way from Kian Teck Ave.

Aftermath of the accident on 31 Jan 2020

According to the owner of the video, accidents happens quite frequently (Roughly 2-3 times per month) at this junction and hopes LTA can install traffic lights at this junction for the safety of everyone.

Many cyclist and heavy vehicle during peak hours, as seen in the first video (0:50)

It is also noted that during peak hours the traffic is very heavy with many heavy vehicles, pedestrian and cyclist added into the mix.

Location of accident: Google Street View
Distant between 2 stop line is around 28meters. Screen grab from Google Maps

According to Google Street View, the junction is around 30 meters in both directions.

According to LTA website (Source)

LTA receives over 20 requests for new signalised pedestrian crossings each month. Each is reviewed to balance the efficiency of other road users and the convenience and safety for pedestrians. Factors such as pedestrian volume, pedestrian mix, road profile, traffic speeds, proximity to nearby crossings, visibility, proximity to nearby junctions/accesses and its constraints are carefully considered before installing a new signalised pedestrian crossing.

Request can be submit to LTA at this link:

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