List of Roundabouts in Singapore and how to use Round Abouts

How to use 2 lane roundabout in Singapore

How to use a 2 lanes roundabout

More things to take note when using round abouts

How to use 3 lane roundabout in Singapore

How to use a 3 lanes roundabout

If, however, you find your correct lane overcrowded, you may use another lane to reach your destination: Provided that —
(a) you give clear signals showing your intention in good time;
(b) you obey the right-hand rule;
(c) you do not inconvenience other drivers;
(d) you use your mirror intelligently to see that you do not obstruct the path of vehicles behind you.

Example of using Newton Roundabout

Suggestion on How to use Newton Roundabout – Google Maps

A Rare but Useful Traffic Feature – Roundabouts in Singapore

Famous Roundabouts in Singapore (Excluding Sentosa Islands’) – Google Maps

Are you able to name all the famous roundabouts in Singapore? (Answer at end of this article.)

Roundabouts were once a common feature of the road network in Singapore. Over the last twenty years, many roundabouts have disappeared altogether. Their decline has led to many Singapore drivers making mistakes such as using the wrong lane and not signaling correctly.

Roundabout suppose to be one of the safest forms of traffic control; forcing drivers to slow down on their approach and making motorists more gracious as they are forced to co-operate and let traffic in.

Newton Circus in 2004 NLB Archive

One roundabout most people can name is Newton Circus. Built in 1933 with eight roads feeding into it, traffic lights were later added to better manage the flow.

Fountain of Wealth – Google Maps

The Fountain of Wealth is listed by the Guinness Book of Records in 1998 as the largest fountain in the world. It is located in one of Singapore’s largest shopping malls, Suntec City.

Answer to name the roundabouts

Famous Roundabouts in Singapore – Google Maps

from left to right, top to bottom

Even more Roundabouts in Sentosa – Google Maps


Although they may seem daunting at first glance, roundabouts have many benefits over conventional intersections. Some of these benefits include:

Very small roundabout at 26 Ridout – Google Maps

What do you think?

Roundabouts are a rare but useful traffic feature in Singapore that can improve traffic efficiency
and safety if used properly by drivers. By following some simple rules such as slowing down,
giving way and signalling clearly, drivers can navigate through any roundabout with ease
and confidence.

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Guess the roundabout

Roundabout at Seletar Rocket Tower – Google Maps

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