Find out how to turn right and how to U Turn in Singapore

Look out for lane markings on the ground that show which direction your vehicle can turn to. Only do a U-Turn after an U-Turn sign and on the rightest lane. If there is no U-Turn sign, you cannot make an U-turn.

Which lane can you make a U Turn?

- Keep right when you are making a U-turn
- For the example in the diagram, only C lane can be used for U-turning
- If you did not make it to lane C, do not U-Turn as it can caused an accident with car turning right on lane C
- If you are at lane A, you must turn left only
- If you are at lane B, you can only turn left, turn right or go straight. You cannot U-Turn
- If you are at lane C, you can turn right or U-Turn
Which lane do i turn to for U turn ?
Always turn to the closest opposite lane your can can turn to.

When not to U Turn
No vehicle to make U-turn at road intersection or junction
13.—(1) No driver or rider of any vehicle shall make a U-turn at any road intersection, road junction or opening in a road divider unless he is permitted to do so by a road sign.
(2) A driver or rider of any vehicle making a U-turn under paragraph (1) shall —
(a) move as near as possible to the right-hand edge of the roadway;
(b) give way to any on-coming vehicle; and
(c) wait for a safe opportunity to complete the turn.
(3) A driver or rider of any vehicle making a U-turn under this rule shall do so after the U-turn sign.
Example of bad turning

Now you know how to Turn Right and U Turn, learn how to use a roundabout in singapore