- the cyclist was riding on the centre of the left lane and not keeping entirely to the left of the left lane. Perhaps, that is why?
Singapore: In the video footage, a cyclist was captured riding on the left lane of the road minding his own business, while the driver was driving on the middle lane of the road.
As the driver approaches the cyclist, he started to sound his horn continuously at the cyclist, causing the cyclist to be alarmed and turned to stare at the cam car.
The driver then drove pass the cyclist laughing.
On closer inspection of the video, the cyclist was riding on the centre of the left lane and not keeping entirely to the left of the left lane. Perhaps, that is why the driver was triggered and decided to horn the cyclist and film it down.

Some user feel that the cyclist should be keeping to the left edge of the left lane, however, base on the traffic condition from the video, it is not an issue. But raise concern that this riding style should not be encouraged.

While some feels that the driver is too self-entitled.

Meanwhile, some feels that it is alright since he is riding on the left lane.

Base on Singapore Road Traffic Act, CHAPTER 276, SECTION 140, “Bicycle, etc., to be ridden on left side of road “a person who rides a bicycle, power-assisted bicycle, trishaw or tricycle on a road must ride the bicycle, power-assisted bicycle, trishaw or tricycle as near as practicable to the far left edge of the road”.
What do you think?