Singapore: A black sports car was capture on camera totalled and a guy was seen laying motionless at the far side of the road.
The accident seems to had happened at night, at a local tunnelled expressway that looks like CTE towards SLE.
The video was a screen recording from a mobile phone, it started from a Facebook messenger conversation, where the poster of the video was saying that it was some drunk “Ah Beng” that want to “feel like initial d1“.
After clicking into the video, it shows the result of the accident. The black sports car had crashed into the wall of the expressway on the left lane. The impact of the crash was so great that some part of the windscreen of the car was shattered and the front bumper of the car was totalled.

In the aftermath of the crash, a guy was seen lying motionless at the other end of road.
All open expressways in Singapore have a maximum speed limit of 90km/h, and between 70km/h and 80km/h in expressway tunnels. Motorists should observe speed limits when driving and follow expressway and tunnel safety precautions. Motorists are advised to go to Road Tunnel Operations and Safety to find out more about good practices in road tunnels. (source via LTA)
Driving while under the influence of alcohol can lead to fine of $2,000 – not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or both. Disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving licence for a period of not less than the specified period corresponding to that case.
Singapore’s legal drink-driving limit is strictly enforced at 80 microgrammes (µg) per 100ml of blood, or 0.08% blood alcohol content.
1Initial D is a Japanese Manga is a Japanese street racing manga series written and illustrated by Shuichi Shigeno. It tell the story of a guy name Fujiwara Takumi, the son of a Tofu store owner, and his journey and exposure to street racing. It had been adapted into live-action movie starring famous Taiwan mandopop star Jay chou.